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CloudMask Blog

Google Is Hit With Another Blow to User Privacy: Here's What You Can Do

February 3, 2017, US Magistrate Judge Thomas Rueter ruled that Google must provide emails stored overseas to US authorities for domestic investigations. On August 2016, courts issued two search warrants, which required Google to disclose, to the FBI, electronic data held in the accounts of the two accused of fraud in violation of federal law. Google only provided data...

Anatomy of Password-based Data protection – Part one

What Is Wrong With Passwords-based data protection? Today, Password-based data protection is the foundation of 99% of data protection. It’s ubiquitous: you want access to an account or information, so you type your username and password, and you can get in. For critical and restricted information, you might have to do it again, with a different password. Your company’s...

How to protect your Gmail and Drive from surveillance, Google & when your login is compromised?

Over the years, Google has emerged as the world’s largest collaboration and business use platform. It has nearly a billion subscribers and a complete application ecosystem that comprises email, file storage, calendar, office applications and business collaboration capabilities. Most of these services can give small and medium businesses capabilities that match those...

What Does 'Making America Great Again' Mean to Data Privacy?

The Commander in Chief promises to “make America great again”. Issues like American jobs and national security are top priorities for U.S President, Donald Trump. As his agenda begins to manifest, Toyota found itself in hot water. The car company was publically criticized by Mr. Trump for its plans to invest in a new plant in Mexico. Their stocks immediately plummeted by...

Meet Your Legal Obligations – Part 2 Protecting Client Confidentiality

Part I of this series, “A shifting Legal Landscape” looked at the changing business environment and the need for secure data access. It then discussed the threats to client confidentiality that accompany such technological changes. Part II, “Protecting Client Confidentiality to Meet Ethical Obligations,” suggests a way you can protect yourself against these threats and...

Data security: Forecast for 2020

Businesses and associations need to take a broader look at cybersecurity, ensuring that the tools they deploy now are still viable solutions in 2020. Cybersecurity is now an issue on everyone's radar, from businesses to governments to consumers. This is great news, as the world has finally realized just how vulnerable their personal and corporate data really is -...

Data Protection and the new security paradigm

Data protection issues have come center stage as organizations move from legacy applications to those that store and manipulate data in a hybrid environment. Previously, IT security specialists sought to protect the boundaries of their networks and provide reliable perimeter security. Anything inside the perimeter was trusted and what was outside was not. This mindset led...

Is data security more important to consumers than physical well-being?

Personal data protection has quickly risen to the top of consumers' priority lists, as people around the world continue to witness or experience data breaches of increasing magnitude. Personal data protection has quickly risen to the top of consumers' priority lists, as people around the world continue to witness or experience data breaches of increasing magnitude. ...

Mitigating the Risk of Data Breaches with Data Masking

Mitigating the Risk of Data Breaches with Tokenization When handling sensitive data such as financial records or personal health information, companies must reduce the risk of data breaches to a minimum by addressing possible sources of risk. Without a comprehensive strategy for reducing data breach risks and mitigating their effect, companies risk damaging their...

Tokenization, Encryption and Data Sovereignty...

Tokenization is the process of replacing a sensitive data element with a random equivalent, referred to as a token that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning. The token is a reference that maps back to the original sensitive data through a tokenization system. Both original sensitive data and token are stored encrypted in a secure database. Reversing this process by...